terça-feira, 29 de julho de 2008

site de relacionamento

Gente, o site de relacionamento do Empowered Millionaire Institute é excelente. Além de conhecermos pessoas do mundo todo, podemos trocar fotos, vídeos, músicas e muito mais.
Vale a pena visitar.


quinta-feira, 24 de julho de 2008

novidades do Empowered Institute

Launching Today --- July 24, 2008
New 'Empowered Millionaires' Social Network
Dear Elisabeth,
Today we are launching our new Empowered Millionaires social network.At the Empowered Millionaires social network you can make acquaintances, interact with like minded people, write comments to each other, post videos, add music files, write blogs, announce events, start a forum discussion, and even create your own group of friends.Here you will be introduced to features of the NET 2.0 in an easy to understand environment that allows for personal growth and easy communication with others who also share your passion for living a successful life.It is FREE to join.Read full details at this website:
James Lee Valentine:My Personal Commitment To You
You have my personal commitment that I shall put my own heart and soul into making the Empowered Millionaire Institute an astounding success.

This is my life's mission and this is my commitment to you.
Through the power of these resources it is my goal to help you achieve a personal net worth of one million dollars, or more, via the Empowered Millionaire Institute opportunity.


Once you feel the power of these wealth mastery programs there will be no stopping you from the awesome financial achievement that is destined to be yours.

More power to you for a fabulous life!


quinta-feira, 17 de julho de 2008

Ela chorava

Não sei a razão mas ela chorava, silenciosamente, no quarto. Hão havia motivos aparentes para o pranto, mas ele era fluido.

Olhei nos olhos dela, inquirindo em silêncio a causa de tantas lágrimas. Ela respondeu sem eu dizer uma única palavra: a angústia pela espera do resultado do vestibular da UFOP a consumia de forma cruel. Ela queria muito ser aprovada mas não tinha certeza disso. O futuro era cruel com tanta gente que sonha com dias melhores mas não vê como chegar ao topo.

Eu respondia com carinho que tudo nesta vida ocorre na data certa e que o pior inimigo do ser humano é exatamente a angústia, que advém da preocupação. Que ela se acalmasse porque a vida precisa ser vivida um dia de cada vez...

E ela adormeceu...

quarta-feira, 16 de julho de 2008

Empowered Millionaire Institute

The Empowered MillionaireHas A Determination To Win

Empowered Millionaires have a dynamic determination to win. This is fostered through a multitude of empowering factors: burning desire for success; definite personalized plan of action; tenacious steps toward the accomplishment of that plan; enthusiastic temperament. It is in this last choice of possessing a zealous disposition that the millionaire determines his or her response to everything experienced in life.

For me, when I develop a success consciousness overflowing with the passion-juice of attainment, I will sow the seeds of the successful
accomplishment of that which I strive for.

I will magnetize my endeavors with my positive expectancy to win
and attract the conditions I seek through my success awareness.

As Norman Vincent Peale stated: "Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude toward it, for that determines our success or failure.
The way we think about a fact may defeat us before we ever do anything
about it. We are overcome by the fact because we think we are."

Every positive thought has a positive result. With my own empowered thoughts -- and words and deeds -- directed toward the achievement
of my greatest ambitions, I will attract that which I truly desire.

I shall ensure that positive thoughts form the basis for my own success
attitudes and wealth creating disciplines, which will lead directly to a definite determination to succeed in every endeavor in which I am involved.

(The above is from the MVP Millionaire Value Pack success system)

Empowered Millionaire PowerizerExclusive for members of the Empowered Millionaire Institutewww.empoweredmillionaire.com
Members Access Resource Center
Empowered Millionaire Institute / Copyright © James Lee Valentine

terça-feira, 15 de julho de 2008

duas cobras ( two snakes)


Um motorista com olhos de águia
E uma câmera pronta para flagrar
Pára na beira da estrada
E invade a doce privacidade
De duas cobras entrelaçadas
Convulsas no ato de amar...

(poema escrito e fundamentado a uma cena vista no Globo Rural de domingo, 13/07/2008)


One eagle’s eyes driver
With a camera at hands
Stops on the edge of a road
And without license, is invading
The privacity of two snakes
Enrolled and convulsed lovers
Released to the action of sex.

(poem written and fundamented on one scene seen through TV program called GLOBO RURAL, on Sunday, July 13th,2008)

segunda-feira, 14 de julho de 2008

É bom conhecer você!

Quando decidi ser tradutora, eu estava no caminho certo...

Eu só não sabia que nós traduzimos tudo em nossa volta, desde os pequenos gestos até os grandes atos dos heróis e vilões...

Ser tradutora, de certa forma, é ter mil olhos, é ser cínica e clínica, é aprender o tempo todo

e, além de tudo, é desejar aprender todos os dias em volumes cada vez maiores.

Traduzem-se idiomas e outras coisas mais. Um simples olhar significa muita coisa, um tom mais elevado de voz significa nosso humor naquele momento...

Então, não deixem de me traduzir. Isso é muito importante para mim!